
In 1 day.. I don't know what came over this guy

  • 2
    @franckentien i have plans for a 24h anime marathon, maybe i'll add a commit-marathon too :P
  • 9
    That might be caused by including a debug folder or something generated by an ide or something like that.
  • 2
    It's possible that the dates are altered/fake, see article: https://goo.gl/5tPm9e
  • 3
    Pretty sure he was pushing some old repos to git that day.
  • 2
    @woodworks thanks for that article!😂
  • 4
    Probably pushed all the modules folder 😅
  • 0
    According to my maths, he would have had to push once every 16 seconds... That's quite fast tbh
  • 0
    1- fixed missing brackets
    2- removing unnecessary bracket
    3- add missing bracket
    4- merge pr about redundant brackets
    5- fix bug
    6- revert before fix bug
    7- added some more brackets
    8- merge pr to reduce number of brackets
    9- revert merge because of conflict with brackets
    10- revert to last 10 commit
    And it goes
  • 0
    Me when the build breaks
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