
I fuckin love when i follow the official documentation and the shit DOESNT FUCKIN WORK

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    @Torbuntu neh, focusing on python atm
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    @Torbuntu heheeey :^)
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    try Magento docs, it's amazing
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    @XiovV i'm not a begginer. I was just reading the official logging module documentation and it didn't work, but i managed to fix the issue.
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    @Torbuntu This was my first thought as well. Angular is so fucking horribly documented.

    I can't believe a modern piece of software that is regularly updated by a huge company still has some of the worst documentation.
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    I once have written a simple Firefox extension. I just copied the example and changed the variables to other names. Did not work anymore :(
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    Can relate. I never faced a situation where the source level docs didnt work. But for the tutorials i think they almost never work.
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