
I wasn't going to post this because I expected loads of hate but fuck it, I'd rather share it anyways. Also take into account that sometimes there's no choice because money is needed or other circumstances :)

This one guy told me to never let down my values and what I stand for if I can afford to do that, no matter what they are.

I'd quit my job over having to use tools like Google or Slack (luckily my company is highly against using Slack and most people have moved to ddg) and as for WhatsApp, I said at my interview that I'd either wanted a business phone for using WhatsApp or I wouldn't use it. Boss said 'thats cool!'

I quote from him(that person who said this to me):

"they force you to use something you're uncomfortable with? Fuck'em. They don't understand your reasons? Their problem.
Even if nobody in the entire world understands/accepts your reasons, doesn't mean they're not valid."

  • 16
    Now THAT is just awesome.
  • 18
    @RantSomeWhere Not for the principle but for the shit I don't use due to having this principle. How many times I get called a paranoid fuck, people not wanting to talk to me anymore for not using whatsapp/facebook aaand so on.
  • 2
    @linuxxx how did you convince your close family (if any) to get off WhatsApp? Also, telegram? Signal?
  • 0
    Dont you use a smartphone/messenger (e.g. Threema)? there also some non google infected smartphones out there I think. But I dont know if they are only promotional and actually exist...
  • 1
    Do you use TELEGRAM instead of WhatsApp!??
  • 0
    do you use that rocket logo thing instead of slack? never quite remember the name of it
  • 0
    @fuck2code oh yeah that's it, maybe because its name is so simple I tend to forget it lol
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    @encore Explained them my principles and the factual differences between services and why I chose the one I chose. They agreed and installed Signal :)
  • 4
    @freakazoid633 US based and closed source so if an agency would, for whatever reason, want to have your companies content, one court order and bam.
  • 2
    @hypervtechnics I'm staying the hell away from Threema haha. Not saying they're bad as they actually seem good/cool but the app is closed source so no way of verifying what's actually going on.

    @Nawap Telegram can go fuck itself with their "security and privacy" haha.
  • 2
    @JoshBent I use riot.im also since it has build in Double Ratchet encryption (aka the Signal crypto protocol)
  • 0
    The truth has been spoken.
  • 2
    I'm biased against Apple products. Bigger webdev companies buy you an Apple product... No resume of mine will reach them.

    You're entitled to your opinion, and also acting or choosing not to act upon.

    Fuck What's App
  • 1
    Whats wrong with Telegram? Genuine question, am interested.
  • 1
    @Kulijana Yeah read that article, it's mine :D
  • 0
    @fuck2code Malice, Rooler, Aggressive Act (this is malice and rooler together xD), Unkind, Thyron, Rejecta, D-Sturb, Radical Redemption, Tartaros to name a few :D
  • 0
    @linuxxx that was quite interesting. I just shared in a telegram group, now to enjoy some irony.
  • 0
    @fuck2code Right now I have the following two on repeat: (both Tartaros)

    Take U There
    Wake Up

  • 1
    Why would you think you'd get hate for that here of all places? While I do use those tools, I know there are consequences, and fully respect anyone who choose not to use them.

    My personal hatred goes to Microsoft Office, I sure ain't pirating it nor paying for the privilege of having proprietary non-text formats. Fortunately I have enough credibility in my company to get away with it, even though non-dev don't really understand why I'm so hell-bent on not using it (poor them, they have been brain-washed by "it's industry standard, everyone use it")

    Given the choice, I'd only use OSS, but unfortunately, it's lower priority than my needs to get shit done, and I understand for some software, paying someone is the best way to have continued support and other things.
  • 1
    @Michelle could you Signal me again? I lost my contacts πŸ˜…
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  • 3
    While reading this rant, I hope that the special snowflakes out there don't start thinking they have the right to impose their preferences on others... There is a fine line between freedom, adaptation, and snowflake.

    Very good rant though, you never disappoint, Linuxxx!
  • 1
    @hypervtechnics you can flash Android without any Google apps. Most custom roms don't have them built in and you need to flash them separately if you want them.
  • 2
    Very interesting blog. Thank you for talking the time to write it :-)
    I had a very good time reading all of it just now.
    Unfortunately it's very hard for me to get rid of most of the insecure apps entirely. I part time work as a musician and other musicians first of all have a harder time understanding why I don't want to use a specific service without having the technical background. For them it's an inconvenience if I don't have WhatsApp or Telegram.
    And I know this may seem weird but musicians normally don't just choose their working partners on the basis of skill. I once heard myself being referred to as the weird producer who doesn't use WhatsApp. Since then I solled out and installed all of those apps again. As I really want to make music my full time job in the future (without starving to death... Untill then im studying computer science and have a working student job in IT)
    So I have those apps installed but use them as sparly as I possibly can.
  • 1
    @Terrestrial That's actually very understandable and I'm definitely not blaming you for anything.

    I personally only use WhatsApp for work but I have a company-issued phone so that's alright enough with me.

    I'm very well known as that paranoid fuck who doesn't want to use mainstream services but so be it, I'm not going to use them as long as they sell out their users.

    Having said that above paragraph, I know damn well that its not always that easy :)

    I'm working on a new blog post which will lead to many people being offended but so be it.
  • 0
    @Sagi02 Not entirely sure what you mean (sorry for the late reply, I get shitloads of notifs πŸ˜…) but if you mean that privacy conscious people should force their apps upon others, I agree.

    But, then it also shouldn't be the other way around and it (also) is the other way around (I've got 5 years of experience as a non WhatsApp user in the Netherlands and man, it's a fucking life requirement over here and getting bashed or even losing friends over not using it has happened to me more than once)
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    @Sagi02 "you never disappoint, linuxxx!" - 😊
  • 0
    I never thought of you blaming me or for that matter anyone.
    If anything you are very sensative about what people might think about your comments etc.
  • 3
    @Terrestrial I used to be very sensitive on that one but I'm over that haha, many of my comments related to privacy and security get me into disagreements or fights and I am used to that by now.

    Over here, if I don't say what I said in the comment to you, i'd get in a huge fight mostly so that was me taking precautions :P
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