Not a rant.
Just a Python appreciation post.

appreciate python. 🐍

  • 6
    @fuck2code well, fak u then.
  • 2
    My problem with python is that it has features that you don't know about and are supposed to make your life easy. In reality you will find yourself wondering why something isn't working for hours just because of something stupid a "harder" language would have notified you of and you had fixed in seconds. So python has a long learning curve because it's so easy (to duck up on the easy things).
  • 4
    Ye imma appreciate the ever living shit outta my python tonight :^)
  • 1
    var += 1 appreciate that
  • 0
    Mainly because I inherited 1000s of python files when I joined all written in Py2.7.
    With a consistent slam of projects coming at me everyday, there's no time to go back and convert them into 3. Yes there are tools. And they work for some things but also break our modules most of the time.
    All new files are done and written to be compatible with both. But those lingering 2.7 files still exist and won't be going anywhere until we get ourselves a couple of interns :)
  • 0
    At times? More like all the god damn time. And it depresses me even more. Hell I ran pylint on several scripts and got back -3/10. I was honestly impressed.
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