My friend said he wont make a github accoint bc git is too complicated and ftp uploading straight to the server is easier. Pic unrelated, i just wanted to share this abomination too.

  • 3
    "agrs" instead of "args"?
  • 2
    @JoshBent thats... the least of my concerns
  • 1
    Well it is Java 🤣
  • 2
    How it's not easier? For simple tcp forward to one machine and one service openvpn it's overkill, requires extra service, client cert, etc,extra firewall rules.
    I give you it's less secure by default since the connection will always trusted, but I don't allow ordinary users to tunnel or port forward anyway.
  • 1
    And most importantly, forgot that one, doesn't require administrative permissions to install the client.
    Still baffled why you assume he's incompetent. Both have its use cases, not going to install a openvpn service on a db server to interact with one service only. It's just stupid.
  • 1
    Yeah, I maintain both services, tend to use openvpn for untrusted users.
    Port forwarding is less obscure than a openvpn.conf file 😄
  • 0
    But they even make software with a GUI for people like that 🤔 which honestly is not as easy as the 3 or 4 lines you need in a terminal for git 😳
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