
How in second CS year some guys still managed to not hear about git and shares code via email???

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    I've seen "devs" with 10 years of "experience" (yea right) work on actual production code millions share code via email and not know what SVN is.

    Welcome to reality.
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    @hashris How it is even impossible to be so ignorant
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    Pfft wait for it, I had to do a project with someone in their 4th year and he didn't know how to create and merge branches... It happens, I am not surprised anymore by the things. Haha
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    Email? 😕 😂😂 Man, I'd prefer the flash drive instead. Smh I didn't even use flash drive in my freshman year. We got introduced to Git, Maven and all that stuff in my first class in freshman year.
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    @sd97 but as a CS student you probably read some articles online about tech/coding and everywhere there are github links. So just out of curiosity you may visit something. My course mates haven't even heard of it
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    My course mates couldn't even code!
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    @geaz familiar feelings :D
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    It's actually more common than what you might think. Especially for small assignments.

    I'm not saying it's good practice, but I have had people send me functions in a text for me to look into.
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    On the flip side, 2nd and 3rd year students still have bigger issues than learning Git. Like how to code properly.

    I saw some wierd ass shit, back when I was a tutor.
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    @ODXT maybe its true, but what shocks me is that they haven't heard of it
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    It's like @hashris says.

    Also, there are "obvious" things that I didn't learn about until much later. When I was learning C#, you could already use Async and await. But I kept managing threads. I only learned about Async and await recently.

    That's like 4 years!

    So good on you for researching and learning. But don't look down on those that don't know things. That's what school and life is for. Instead teach them (it'll make you a better dev). If they don't learn, well at least you tried.
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