I really feel the need to just blacklist the entire EU, to not deal with additional shit like gdpr, I do see its benefits, but I am already busy with getting my client approved by paywalls, other services and get all that bullshit integrated - I really don't need having to also shit out some very detailed statement about it all, if you want something like that, then create a generator that gives me all you want with couple clicks, else get fucked outta my sight.

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    I read an article yesterday that even the people that are supposed to enforce the law are still unclear how and underfunded.

    Past few weeks have been a lot of work for me to get things done in time. Did not need all that extra stress xD
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    What the GDPR inforces is what you should anyways have already to ensure data privacy.
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    @FilipeRamalho I didn't have to say before that I save somebodys nickname and password in the database if they register, there's tons of shit floating around that could give potential fines for not mentioning and it's a pain in the ass having everything covered both for your own website and your clients website, because if the client once gets hit, he'll come running after me, so now I also have to add additional information that I do not confirm the full validity of those privacy pages, because what if I missed that one checkbox on page 4091 and the client got fined, yeah, no thanks.
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    @FilipeRamalho also all summaries are vague and reading through the actual 50k word gibberish is also a nice way of wasting time
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    @Charon92 I do like a lot of points, which force user data encryption etc. but come on, some of it id so vague and ready for abuse to get some money pressed
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    The EU is working on protecting privacy, because companies can’t be trusted.

    The USA is working on destroying the internet, because companies can’t be trusted.
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    Fuck ya too then :(
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    @FilipeRamalho By GDPR definitions someone's dump can be considered personal data. People can literally send you their poo and if you don't administer it in a way compliant with GDPR you will suffer repercussions.
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    @PAKA Yes because the dump is still data. If your service get's a lot of dump I would think about it.
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    @Condor the way its all defined is lawyers and fines food, to collect some international taxes, so to say, the intention is fine, I am completely with that thought, I always implement best practice and go over the top too, but like @PAKA said, it's a loose asshole we are talking about here, anything goes and anything could be called not GDPR compliant, which I fear for my clients sakes and especially myself.

    Privacy Policies and ToS have been always a popular attack point if not actually updated a lot and or created/maintained by preferably a group of lawyers, adding gdpr that's now even more a mine field, I am already exhausted trying to list all, like chat tos, "we don't represent user content" and all that, now I'll have to even list that if a user registers, I save his god damn password, like that's common sense, how else will I verify you on login?
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    @filthyranter @NotFound I need to move all good EU people to a GDPR free island I guess 😁
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