All bankers are fuckers, fuckin assholes.

I went to bank today.
Gave my card to swipe and he gave me the machine to enter my pin
I entered it
But then it wasn't the actual PIN
Transaction failed

He retried it, but now he didn't give me the machine to enter the PIN, he asked me (whaaat...)
I denied to reveal my PIN
He asked me again and again I still denied.
At last that asshole cancelled the transaction.
And told me to write the deposit slip
Why should I write the slip when I have the card.
Whats wrong with that guy
Why should I give my PIN to him

These assholes come to work at 10 and leave at 3 and their pride is at the peak. They live on our money and showing superiority on us.

I hate them.

  • 37
    All {{class of people}} are {{insult}}.
    Yep. Totally agree.

  • 6
    That’s incompetence no relates to job type; I would ask for manager straightaway after being asked for PIN.
  • 0
    @Condor ya but cash in hand should be put deposited right
  • 2
    I think you are talking about State bank of India. All government departments are like this. They think no one can fire them. Sad but true.
  • 1
    @vinitkadam wow! Exactly bro! I'm talking about SBI
  • 4
    @Root wait I know one guy, he's from {{class of people}} and {insult}} does not apply to him...

    {{Emotional, illogical rebuttal}}
  • 1
    @Condor speaks wisdom (again). 😊
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge AI will replace all of them parasites.
  • 1
    @Condor wow only 5 minutes to learn how to use new program :o Are you on that pill from limitless movie?
  • 0
    @Alice yep I enjoyed it.
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