
I think I need to go to a bootcamp, so I can go through everything I need to learn: how to pair program, how to explain your code to someone else, how to prepare for a technical interview, etc.

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    I came out of a bootcamp. It was the best thing that could have happened to my future, hands down.
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    @kevbost which one did you go to?
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    The Iron Yard 🤘
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    I came out of a bootcamp too. My 2 cents is don't go to a bootcamp, learn on Your own and find an online mentor. If you need to be presented with a curriculum or hand held/spoon fed then a bootcamp is great.

    I learned best practices at the bootcamp. I could and did learn it all on udemy and team treehouse
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    Find a non-technical person and practice explaining your code to them.
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    @champion01 Is it not worth it at all?
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    @burswag It just depends on how you learn. For me, having someone up in the front of a room going over prototypal inheritance taught me prototypal inheritance.
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    @kevbost yeah, I think right now, I need to be and work with other like-minded people. Though I also understand the other side of the argument (non-bootcamp route).
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    @burswag I understand it to, but there's nothing quite like having peers in the real world going through the same educational struggles as you are.
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    @burswag @kevbost is right,just depends on your cup of tea.
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    @kevbost co-signed. I enjoyed my experience, even miss it sometimes.
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