
tl;dr at the bottom

This might not be a popular opinion, so please, if you throw things at me, limit yourselves only to tomatoes and other soft projectiles. Thank you!

So this being said, i must say ut: i actually like how facebook use this data overall. While i am completly against privacy violation, that data is given up by ourselves with a choice to do it, so we can't hand them for it. However, i think the fact that we got ads for what our interests are is quite awesome! For example because of this i found webcomics and artists i curently hold really high in my praises and this might not have been the case if FB had another business model.

This being said, i just think people should focus on problems more important than how social media manages to earn some bucks, and while is our choise to be part of that we can't simply call ourselves "products". History holds many stories about civilization that gaved no choice if you wanted or not to be a product so we could be at least glad it is not the case anymore.

Anyway, if you read all the way down here, tnaks for your time!

TL;DR: Facebook is no holy church but it actually not so bad, we can find things we get to love or actually needed in the first place in their targeted adds system. At least we have a choice to be part of this or not!

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    Thanks! You are a cool dude! And i am 100% on the same page as you are about how this trend with targeted advertisment, and i love that quote.

    But i have a but in all of this. I was rised with a question in my mind and a worry on my souln those being "do i really need that?" and "never ever spend more than half of your profit".

    What i am trying to say is not that FB & Co don't use our needs and desires against us, but that it's our duty to set up good habits and principles and hold them strong against such materialistic bribes.

    Each good has its evil and each evil has its good. It's up to us to harvest the good fruits from the poisonous tree. By discipline and reason.
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    I agree, all this noise about how it "changed perceptions" I can see it in the short term, but if you let what you see online dictate how you think you will struggle social media or not.

    Also people spend too much time just browsing aimlessly, the AI has got really good at making you watch "just one more video" YouTube has only one metric for its AI "minutes watched per user" and its goal is to increase this number.

    You have to be on guard against the constant assault.
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    I hate Facebook with a passion haha, would like to point out one thing from your rant:
    "the data is given up by ourselves with a choice to do it", you're talking about the data Facebook collects through things like users posts and so on.

    But what about those like and comment buttons on websites everywhere?

    If I don't actively block those tiny fuckers, they'll call home to Facebook with my visit data and I'd never in the world consent to that.

    Then, did you know that Facebook is part of the biggest mass surveillance network/engine ever created? Everything you do on there gets sucked into the PRISM network. Everyone their opinions but since I haven't done anything wrong, I shouldn't be spied upon or have my data sucked up by the NSA without my consent. If I did do something wrong, fair enough.

    As soon as they stop trying to obtain as much data as possible, also without consent and as soon as they exit PRISM, I might consider not completely hating them.

    But then, they've done it in the past at that moment and that can't be justified.
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    @Floydian Haha, right back at you with Google! ( this one counts for me as well)
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    We gave Facebook our data voluntarily *after* Zuckerberg called us "dumb fucks" for trusting him. Now we're supposed to be outraged?
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    I understand what you are saying, but again, at this point it is the same thing, only we give up data to something else, not facebook. In this case to this PRISM which i am sorry if i use it wrong in a sentence, i just have not get informed so much about it.

    I think it is the same, using different websites is like subscription to different magazines. Each collects your data and they might centralize it at some point, that doesn't mean you have not gave it up by yourself to each of them. I think is kind of the price of enjoying internet.

    One more thing. I kind of mispoken ny thoughts earlier and you are right. We might have shared our data by ourselves on the internet indeed, bit while i said it like we did it voluntary, this might not be always the case. Nost of us probably did not even tought about it when we did a facebook account. But that doesn't change the situation. We made the accounts and accepted the terms.
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    (One more thing as i reached my letters limit in the last comment)
    You have the right to hate it and everyone associated as long as they keep being part of this civilian mass surveillance program. Not being a secret or at least ilegal does not mean it is not imoral.
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    @KennyTheBard Hey, at least you're coming up with actual arguments which is a good thing!

    About prism, we give up this data to this program because we use facebook. There are about 15 companies directly integrated into this program so whichever one of those you use services of, your data gets sucked into that program.

    The thing is, they (as in literal possibilities) could have said "I quit because I value my users' security and privacy too much to be integrated within this network but they didn't. Probs financial motives but this does show that they literally don't give a shit about users' security or privacy.
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    Few big companies really give a shit about users beyond the monetary input, so this does not surprise me at all.
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    @KennyTheBard Yup true. That's why I find it highly dangerous that so many people use their services and thus I choose to block the living shit out of them :)
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    Can you give me some more details on this topic? I mean, at what extent do you block them, how and what do you use instead for example?
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