
*Clears throat*

Dear Microsoft, if you want to make developers move from Linux to Windows by adding the WSL... Please make sure it isn't a load of fucking shit that refuses to update and then crashes, corrupting the entire install...

Sincerely, some pissed off cunt.

  • 2
    @Condor I can sit on the loo and shit out a better Linux implimentation :-3
  • 1
    Ahahahaha they still can't get proper copy and paste on the "terminal"???? wtf

  • 2
    I use the Linux Subsystem for Windows daily.

    First off - get ConEmu. It's a far better shell for Windows and works seamlessly with the subsystem.

    Secondly, I've never had it crash so I wonder if I've just been lucky? I have had shit happen like TortoiseSVN blowing the svn Sqlite database to hell because I prefer using the svn commandline under the shell... but I fixed that by removing the offending pile of shit programming that is TortoiseSVN.

    At the end of the day though, I'll take this over not having Linux. I can't do my day job in Linux anymore due to the stack I'm forced to work in, so...
  • 0
    @Condor Haha! I had someone tell me using profanity means I have a lower social ranking or some shit.

    I love it. Someone's got to wank to something I suppose.
  • 0
    @xorith I've had nothing but trouble honestly, from instability to corruption, even on fresh installs of both.

    I just tried install nasm so I didn't have to reboot into arch and boom, wsl corrupt and needed reinstall.

    But I will still agree its better than nothing
  • 0
    On windows, ConEmu can come with some cool configurations in a package called – Cmder.

    Also, IMO Cygwin's way better than WSL, especially with Cmder-enabled Clink (basically same as readline) and a seamlessly integrated terminal, such as VS Code or Hyper. :)

    👉 https://imgur.com/a/vC8kA
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