I am sick of people making programming jokes regarding the semicolon. NOBODY MAKES THE SEMICOLON MISTAKE.

  • 4
    Believe me, it happens, even if we don't actually stay on the bug 3 days, it make us recompile once again.

    Usually happens when you copy-paste and modify a line out of mood to rewrite it (array in an array that has pairs with the second elem being the index for another array kind of spaghetti logic)
  • 3
    I sometimes make the mistake when I switch between languages, but it takes like 2 seconds to find out because the editor says what's wrong
  • 2
    Wrong. Happens all the time.
  • 1
    People learning programming do that a lot for a good amount of time, especially if they get introduced to python first
  • 1
    @rEaL-jAsE don't remember your screenshots as clear anymore, but you're planning on having a full stop as the terminator?
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE how do you e.g. access properties/methods then?
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