Welp, I dunno about the rest of you folks, but I had a splendid day making a really sexy data viewer with React, Redux, ImmutableJS, react-virtualized, and Radium. And it works fast in IE!

And! Now I'm in a pub, sipping a beer in the summer evening breeze, waiting for my partner so we can order food.


  • 8
    It works fast in IE? Get yourself a second round!
  • 3
    The way that ended before the [read more] on the feed just left everything up to our imaginations!!
  • 2
    @samk Hahaha! Well the original daft read, "so we can fuck on an outdoor pub table", but I edited it for the tender eyes of devrant readers ;)
  • 3
    Wow I read it twice. I want a day like that! 😀
  • 1
    Sounds like a close to perfect day, good job!
  • 1
    Hope that gin got ice in it eventually :p
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