Just 5k ping, everything will be ok...Said my friend...

  • 17
    when did he say it, 5 seconds later?
  • 3
    Once in the last weeks we some problems alow to no internet with Kabel Deutschland.
    Me a friend were on discord as the problems began...
    We couldn't even load Google with css and Javascript. All we got was the plain html after about 3 mins.
    Well but discord was chugging along happily. And didn't show any any signs of connection issues.
  • 5
    @fuckwit my friend’s in the uk. That’s where it happende. After the ping went down we both understood that it took 20 fucking seconds to hear his words...
  • 4
    @Meeperino well just discord being discord. But I can't really blame it as they still offer this service for free. There was a time we could do private calls because discord would always error out with 'no route'
  • 3
  • 2
    @fuckwit sounds like DNS trouble - your existing connections run nicely and new ones just drop.
  • 2
    I bought CS:GO to play with real people and later discovered my ping is 600+
    Said hi to bots again.
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