Is it just me who looks forward to long weekend but when it's actually here, gets bored after 2 days and now looks forward to get back to work?
Or have I lost it?

  • 3
    From what i gathered, and sadly the hard way, it may be the case that you need a serious long (like 2 weeks+) vacation. I am in the same boat, can't go 2 days without thinking about work. Some day i wasn't hearing very well and decided to get to a doctor ASAP. Diagnosis? Stress. Got 2 weeks flat out sick days in which i was encouraged to go outside for walks everyday, keep it quiet, hear music, breathe fresh air and let my PC alone. It was fucking hard, but after like 8-9 days or so i finally felt relive.

    Now that's a completely biased thing from me so take it with a grain of salt. But the lesson i got from it is that you should learn to appreciate not having to work and relax (just do nothing at all or go for a walk) every once in a while.

    If you already do this stuff, maybe someone else has a few tips on how to get more out of your weekend.
  • 0
    Is it not the work but the people? Is work 90% of your social life?
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    @WhAtEvErYoUmEaN Stress might be it for me too. Work has become such a regular task of my life that I cannot think anything beyond it.
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