
I suck at maths. Hard. But i can still write proper code. There, i said it.

  • 9
    Lol then you don't suck at math, you just don't want to understand it.

    Once you understand things and link the connections, it's easy peasy.

  • 4
    @Haxk20 It's not fun at all. It's worse than English class and I fucking hate English class... Reading and regurgitating some garbage story from 300 years ago is a waste of my time. And I'd still rather do that instead of math.
  • 2
    @Haxk20 It's not that hard. It's usually quite easy to understand. Just a boring waste of my time to spend 15 minutes solving a single stupid problem.

    And it's cool, because based off that comment you sound like a person I probably wouldn't like. The feeling appears to be mutual.
  • 2
    @Haxk20 My English is rather decent because I've been using it everyday of my life for around the last 15ish years. That, and I don't like to sound like an uneducated individual that I went to high school with. So I work to pick up habits that prevent me from looking like them through the way I speak/write.
  • 2
    @Haxk20 I mean, we'd probably get along over the platform but I'm not confident about in person.

    10 friends? Hah. I had like 3, and none of them actually talked to outside of school.
  • 1
    What makes you think you "suck" at maths? There are quite a few misconceptions about what the discipline is and unfortunately the way it is taught these days leaves a lot to be desired. What topic made you feel this way?
  • 2
    It’s simple. I never had a teacher that had the desire to teach me/my class properly maths. After coming to university i had gaps and didn’t know even where to start to fill them and i let them there. I pass all my exams that have to do with computers and programming but i struggle with math subjects.
  • 2
    I actually failed uni because of maths.
  • 4
    @Noobish Theory: 1+1=2
    Exam: 1+2=3. Take this given information and find the value of x, where y is the circumference of the sun multiplied by the total number of cupcakes on Earth.
  • 2
    There seems to be this idea, probably perpetuated from comp sci departments, that coding is like math but it's not, at least not completely. It's a lot closer to writing than math and there's a study I was reading about a while back saying that the same areas of the brain that are activated when writing are activated when coding. I think a lot of people get hung up on the idea that math underpins all the constructs of coding and it is useful to understand that math but only in certain circumstances (unless you're writing really low level code). The main things are basics from algebra, equalities, order of operations, concept of variables, at least that's how it is where I work. Computers do a good job of abstracting the math they are built on out of our daily work flows so we can focus on solving other problems and that's a good thing because it let's us humans offload the work of number crunching to a machine that does it much much faster and with more accuracy than we can.
  • 1
    @Haxk20 And no programmer hate languages, right?
  • 2
    write code to do your maths for you ;D
  • 5
    I'm a webdev.

    Who needs math??
  • 2
    The issue with school is they dont teach the intuition behind seemingly abstract concepts. Things like determinants or cross products of vectors are very easy to understand once you see them visually. However many schools only teach the students the formula and how to calculate them by hand (which you'll probably never do again btw..)
  • 1
    I think my main issue with math is, that (at least in school) you have to solve problems in a very particular kind of way, while in programming I can experiment and possibly find my own solution
  • 1
    What is Math?
  • 2
    @i3lai3la it is a highly dangerous and super addictive drug.
    Oh wait, thats meth
  • 0
  • 1
    Define math: blindly applying formulas and computing calculations -or- understanding theories and fundamentals?

    The two are distinct things and only one of them is taught in schools
  • 1
    Don't hate math ,but i guess it hates me 😅. I am NVR able to score more than 80% even if I devote most of my time studying this one subject.
    So I get demotivated and give lesser time,then score worse.
    It's a complicated relationship.
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