
Teacher : The world is fast moving, you should learn all the new things in technology. If not you'll be left behind. Try to learn about Cloud, AI, ML, Block chain, Angular, Vue, blah blah blah.....

**pulls out a HTML textbook and starts writing on the board.


  • 2
    @lastpeony , except when the exams have 10 years ago deprecated features.
  • 2
    My CompTIA A+ certification I took back in 2001 covered the 8088 and WinNT.
  • 5
    @lastpeony CS is not about programming. Programming is just fundamentals for evaluating cs concepts. More important are proofs about runtime and memory analysis, correctness, probabilities. There are lots of interesting problems like eg clock sync, routing, scheduling, ML,... . I found it very helpful to have lectures about that instead of learning everything from books.
  • 0
    @w00000t truth has bean spoken

    Anyone can learn to code, things that you've mentioned are important than coding
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