sexy 😎

  • 2
    Not sure if for male or female... *suspicious squinty eyes*
  • 1
    Haha 😀
  • 5
    I think my brain just threw an exception.
  • 5
    Imagine a girl wearing it, and when you're about to have sex you hear the classic opening sound of XP. Dan-Dan da DAN
  • 0
    So porn becomes bsod troll? =p
  • 1
    Guuurl will you let me sql injection your server until my buffer overruns into your protected sector? Maybe we can xss into my domain and you can be the man in the middle while I access your backdoor.
  • 1
    Most effective contraception ever.
  • 1
    this only raises one question....where can i buy it?
  • 1
    does it come on 3.1" floppys ;) ?
  • 1
    so now underwear also have windows but for what 😓😂
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