
¿Algún DevRanter hispanohablante por aquí?

Nacionalidad y profesión.

Mexicano. MEAN / C#

  • 3
    And devRanters here speak Spanish?

    Nationality and profession.
    Mexican. MEAN/Si#
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    plz keep the code in english, who knows the maintainer may not speak spanish
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    @rookiemaverick my first language is Spanish but you're right
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    @galaxyfinder1 I dont speak spanish, but work with a spanish team. when I see comments in spanish I need to use google translator for it. that really freaks me out.
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    @rookiemaverick 😂, right now i write everything in spanish because my projects are personal but later in a job i will do it in English
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    Yo hablo español! :v soy de Nicaragua
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    Mexican here tho, I always write my code in English whether it is a personal project or not, because you may never know what could happen later, saludos amigos! Here are some tacos 🌮🌮
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    @pelonchasva yo también quiero tacos :v but I'm not mexicano
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    @pelonchasva mexican here too
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    ¡puedo hablar español! soy de los Estados Unidos y uso JavaScript, PHP, y Python el más
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    @arguelloboy you can have tacos anytime amigo, you don't need to be mexican or not, just enjoy them and get wasted with Tequila!

    Don't forget to code :)
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    Hey guys i was thinking that anyone but me was Mexican, it's good to see you guys! MEAN,LAMP, C#,C++,C,java,python and a Linux Lover!
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