
At this point when I'm asked what I'm doing, my reply is just "computer stuff"

  • 3
    Why? They don't understand if you try to explain?
  • 7
    @Jumpshot44 It takes much more effort to explain (even at a high level) what I'm working on then it does to say "computer stuff" and usually 9/10 times I get asked what I'm doing from a non-technical person. If someone was genuinely interested, of course I will take the time to explain 😄 just depends on the situation and who is asking I suppose 🙃
  • 6
    A non-dev colleague tried to explain what I was doing. Best thing he could come up with was black magic.

    Dunno which is better...
  • 5
    @haabe I had a non dev friend describe me as a Cyber Decorator
  • 2
    @h3ll someone should buy that domain
  • 1
    Seems about right, people ask where I'm headed I always say computer stuff. Or
    Just plain code depending on the person.
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