
In the light of the recent events.....

I've almost made my peace with the fact that I will probably be nicked in the upcoming few years, as well as many others trying to stay free and/or flee countries in conflict. I just hope it won't be too long and agonising.
Thanks to the miracle of the internet, I will still be alive there in a form of online profiles and my posts/rants here. Maybe retoor's dR-trained LLM will be able to mimic me well enough to trick you all I'm still out there :))

just some doom and gloom shower thoughts.. running circles in my head for years now.

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    It won't get this far unless EU will do something stupid. I don't think that Russia will attack a NATO country. Very unpopular opinion (and I love Ukraine where i stayed for long) but EU should've never contributed to the war between two such corrupt countries. Maybe it would've actually saved life's not to.

    I understand America for WANTING to pull back, but you can't go escalate a war and then pull back like what's happening now.

    I really hate the stuff what is in the news right now, the news really wants us to panic.

    @netikras terrible thoughts dude :(
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    @retoor I try to stay away from politics and news as much as I can now.Last time I broke this pattern it almost caused my career, as I became obsessed with planning exit routes, destination countries, means of transportation, ... How to help my fam should I fall en-route,... Caused me a mental exhaustion, requiring a looong break.

    Now this happened. I didn't watch much news about it, just a few podcasts, reviews, a few videos from usa national broadcasters, etc. It seems like usa does not want to back out. Ru broadcaster was allowed to broadcast live from the Oval, while they were not on the allow list to enter the premises. Seems like the 'heads' are talking and planning, moving towards an AmRu Federation, completely ignoring what people want. At least I got that from comments.

    Meaning if Donald has a plan to give a green light to the Red Bear of the East, he will. And LT is on the bear's top-5 list. I'm just trying to think realistically
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    @retoor and I looked it up, nato members are not obligated to defend a fellow nato country under attack with force. They can choose to apply non-military measures, basically saying 'shoosh, go away you big bad bear, shoosh'. Or they can do nothing..

    Sssoooo... Back to hoarding canned food and meds for kids :)
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    You're among the very few people I know that have this view.

    All of my real life friends in EU don't have this concern. They're applying for mortgage, having babies... I don't understand why considering all the fuck up things lately.

    Have they not follow the news?

    I am the the anxious one, yet I probably be among ones with high chance of survival as I can just fly back to Asia once things get worse 😅
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    @cho-uc following the news is the thing that makes panic, because that's their function these days. And yes, being in Germany at the moment is way more relaxed that Lithuania regarding this situation.

    Most of my Ukrainian friends fled the country tho :) But one has an injured brother because of war :(.
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    it's like the COVID vaccine coming for you but it's military aged men

    if you don't pay attention then you get maimed

    gotta be paranoid of the same entity everyone views with god-like qualities. government, the new never-wrong royalty
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    idk if ignoring it is good. I wish I had not been a victim of censorship and lost years of my life. may never be the same again

    in the alt places they make fun of me saying I must've been stupid for getting the vaccine. but I literally just wasn't paying attention how was I supposed to know they wanted to kill people. all the government ever did for me is give me free money because I went to school, prior to that point

    my family was actually extremely paranoid of their government, lived in post-USSR. kept all their money in USD hidden. no banks. you didn't tell the government anything and you ran away at the first sign of cops because they could shoot you and abuse you and nothing would happen (or so they said, but the cops didn't look mean)

    I think they were correct. people don't look mean but nothing happens to them for hurting you. so it's best to get out of the way. my last few years of my life from this COVID vaccine... I shouldve died. but I didn't. fuck them. paranoid it is.
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    @retoor well Norway just refused to refuel a US submarine. That is a great way to push the sitting president to leave NATO. It was already on the table before this. I honestly don't know what happens after this. EU will be at mercy of Russia and China.
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    the council of 300 said depopulation to a manageable 500 million (? iirc) of mostly Asian (because they are regimented to following orders) via limited wars, plagues, and famines
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    @Demolishun why did they deny that? Anyway, i may hope that it takes more than this to leave NATO. I think the EU is plain stupid, so no way I would enter a war for them. I'll sit here until the Russians come. They can get a gluhwein and then fuck off. And then I just continue life.
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    @cho-uc regardless the view, I still took a loan [leased a car] for my fam. It was a necessity.

    I could've paid for it with my savings, sure. But in case of emergency I will need my savings prolly more than that extra 3k€ I'll be paying as an interest.

    Idk if your friends take loans as a necessary strategic move too, maybe some do
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