
So im trying to learn to install arch Linux and it's safe to say... I have no fucking clue what in doing :-D

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    @Jilano was going on instinct and ended up trying to install it like manual android installation, on a tutorial now and I think im ok now... About to install grub (finnaly something I know about)
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    dont worry, the wiki is excellent. Just watch a video of an installation to get an idea of what you have to do and then follow the installation guide on the wiki (its quick and helpful).
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    @Bitwise Well seeing though you offered, I've managed to install gnome but can't get internet access working...
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    @Bitwise The internet worked staright up with the live CD, sorry I didn't think to try on real hardware, everything ive done is on a VM so i might give it a shot on real isolated hardware, sorry should have tried this earlier! :-/
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    @Bitwise can you recommend me any good display manager. I tried larbs ricing script but there is some problem with startx.
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    @drekhi12 for lightweight, lxdm or lightdm. i like lightdm because the customization is pretty straightforward
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    if wpa_supplicant does not work, it may be because there is another instance of it running in background (because of -B).
    Try to do a killall wpa_supplicant and run it again.
    Just for completeness, because this cost me hours
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    @fun2code thanks I'll check that out
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    @Bitwise thanks 👍 I thought you made mistake with writing winblows but second time isn't a mistake nice one 😂
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