
Turned 31 three days ago.

My **dad** was convinced that I was turning 30 instead lmao.

I had to do the math for him, he was questioning the fabric of reality for a second. Like baba 2025 sub 1994 eq 31, ok.

so anyway age--;

  • 4
    Damn, will start the process for collecting data for the Liebranka bot again. I need this content for sure.
  • 3
    ahahaha lol

  • 5
    It was in my 30s I kept forgetting my age. Around my birthday I'd subtract my birth year. Sometimes I was a year younger than what I thought. Those were good years. Sometimes I was a year older.

    Birthdays were a groundhog day to the winter of my soul.
  • 2
    @djsumdog you! Now I have to admit it, too!
  • 2
    @djsumdog I also was doubting for a while :P

    @Liebranca, see here, the Liebranca bot!
  • 2
    And also a @tosensei bot! :D If i feel happy, i have something to get me down :P
  • 2
    It's 30 if your dad says it's 30
  • 1
    @retoor If you're feeling cozy you can call me just 'lib', actually ;>

    But plusplus for DOOOOOOOOOOOM and software communism. Hail GNU.

    ps reading the tosensei bot I kinda imagine some dude punching his own nuts 24/7 (no diss). But it's favorite python bug looks like __my__ favorite python bug. You got 'em mixed or something?
  • 1
    @Liebranca FUCK YES, they got mixed indeed! The tosensei one is on top of Liebranca. I see it in source. Sorry for all the negativity i gave you Liebrancabot :(
  • 2
    @Liebranca not bad huh?
  • 1
    @retoor lmao, so essentially you take posts and comments from ${USER} and shove it down it's throat, yeah?

    Most interesting. But now I'm wondering: say I upload my TTRPG rulebook and lore to a repo, and my brain-in-a-jar here reads *purely* from that? Could it then run campaigns, maybe? I mean besides orchestrating world domination through forbidden use of the sacred sombre.

    I tried this with a bot before but it got it twisted and fell into idolatry. Also it cannot reconcile the well-documented biblical use of 'darkness' as a metaphor for ignorance with the esoteric concept of the pitch-black void of the Night Eternal representing how the fundamentally trascendental nature of divinity cannot be iconized, ie, an *enlightened* kind of darkness that illustrates mortal's inability to fathom the true depths of Creation rather than ignorance of anything attainable.

    Now, now, don't worry, the initiation is simple. Now put on this toga, and recite with me: Blessed is the Night...
  • 1
    @Liebranca provide me the content and i will publish a bot for you so you can try and measure. I use pinecone now. It takes 100 times longer to train a bot than OpenAI but the quality difference is huge. To give you an example of the costs: 136mb of content, costed me 8 euro to train. That's all. It was 8 euro for three hours of training, that's how long it took to push 136Mb into the system.
  • 1
    @Liebranca Pinecode offers a free account. No creditcard required! It has limits but they're quite broad. You will not have issues, i promise.

    Here is the source: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/gists/...

    To train on your own source, replace the paths at the bottom.
  • 1
    @retoor Uuuh, nice!

    I have a lot of files with random crap laying around. I've developed a simple writing system for this kind of shit: no wiki expodump encyclopedia assfuckery, it's all two or three sentences of easily-digestible lore bits, roughly cathegorized by topic, ordered in such a way that each piece of information easily strings into the next without overwhelming the reader. Does that work for the botii?

    Anyway, I'm gonna go through my files and put something together; I'll ping you when I'm happy with it; that may be a few days, a month, a year, you never know! But it's gonna happen, you can trust me. Probably.
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