
Today I sat down and made my first two proper scripts in bash, I have been studying and pulling bits of information together, and ive finally got a grasp on Redirection. I found a script for a Dialog driven Menu, tore it to pieces and learnt from it.

2 Hours Later, stupid mistakes and lots of coffee, I have the start of something I think is cool :) If anyone would like to take a look and give me some comments I have pushed both projects to github. And will be working on the GUI one all day :)

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    @Jilano Thank you :D
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    @ChachiKlaus thank you, I will correct that now
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    @ChachiKlaus don't know if I miss understood but changing the 2> to >&2 broke it, made the folders instantly just make a _ folder instead of a first_last folder
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    I have a (command && success box) || fail box setup if that's what you mean
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    I get what you mean, I could have an error box popup with any errors inside :)
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    I'm tempted to tear it apart a little, change it from targets (proof of concept) to clients. Make it so it generates a client folder ready for web projects or something
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