I got to work on this project written in PHP that is literally unsalvageable so I will need to redo it from scratch, it's an e-commerce/social network mix that allows you to resell your clothes and I will have to work with PHP-only server-side so I was looking for a JS framework that has all these cool features like Angular but does not require node.js and I stumbled upon React and Vue and I can't decide between them. I was wondering if anyone knows both of these frameworks and could help me decide which one to use. (I have almost no knowledge about these frameworks)

PS: The server-side will be PHP with MySQL because that's the only option that the client's hosting offers.

  • 3
    I think you should go with Vue. It's got a really easy learning curve and you should be done in no time
  • 0
    @Creatrixity easy you say, ok :) that's 100 points for Vue.js πŸ˜‚ (and Griffindor)
  • 0
    @Creatrixity you said easy... Now I'm suddenly learning webpack, ES2016, vue-router, vuex and the documentation is pretty useless since it assumes you are using the CDN version and defining everything in one file while I am using vue-cli and everything just works a bit differently... enough to just not work when you expect it to work...
  • 0
    @D3add3d Well, life could be worse!

    To me, its basically a competition of four when trying to build a JavaScript app these days. It's usually either React, Angular or Vue. The fourth and most unpalatable option is usually good ol' vanilla JavaScript.

    If you went for React, you'd probably go nuts tryna get Webpack + Babel loader to do just what you want. Angular will drive you insane with extraneous complexity (in my own view).

    It's basically a choice between the spec of guillotine you'd love your head chopped off with!
  • 0
    @Creatrixity I guess... I am getting hang of it now but ever so often I have go on Vue Land Discord and ask stupid questions in #need-help
  • 0
    @D3add3d Hahaha 😁😁. That's the life dude. For the next three weeks, you'll breathe, eat, and live on discord and stackoverflow. That's a fuchën awesome life dude.
  • 0
    @Creatrixity no... I don't like developing software like this...
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