
Removed his shoes and walked around in the office on his socks. Not that bad, really, until you factor in the smell. It was nauseating. HAHA

  • 2
    Leave a bar of soap on his desk, maybe with a note saying "Please, wash your fucking feet. ❤️"
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    @Navigatr haha savage. We talked to our manager ( he was not around at that time) and raised it as an issue.
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    Speak the manager to get him breathing work shoes
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    This happened in an interview once where the company was a home office and we had to leave our shoes outside before entering the HR cabin poor hr
  • 4
    I had a job interview where I was sitting with what's supposed to be a senior developer and he took off his shoes and sat there code reviewing me with his VERY dirty socks that have big holes at the bottom.

    I swear I was trying to end this as fast as I can but he wouldn't stop talking about himself also I was deliberately answering wrong answers to his questions just so that I could get out of there.
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