
I *PAY* DI.fm to listen to music while programming and they still cut me off after 4h every fucking day completely destroying my programming flow inflicting damage way way worse than the meager 9$ or whatever the shit is I pay them for the "PRO" "Premium level" "service". ffs

  • 1
    Jesus, don't waste your money! There's a live stream for just about anything on Youtube.
  • 1
    @monr0e DI.fm has curated channels. no cognitive load to keep youtube on track AND also no ability to skip tracks like in Spotify, which increases cognitive load further

    I stopped my Spotify Premium because I felt the need to judge each track whether it helps me code or should I just skip it it to teach the algorithms - too much work :D
  • 1
    @monr0e and also.. its like 9$.. for a programmer. thats like a few extra minutes of programming to pay for it ;)
  • 0
    @AIFPM a few extra minutes? Hmf. Perhaps once you're properly established, maybe.
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