
If only I could write script to cook my food and wash my cloth.

  • 3
    Code and connect raspberry pi to your oven and washing machine!
  • 0
    internet of things
  • 0
    your living in nepal right? i've read that the average yearly income is about 700 usd in nepal. If you earn your money online as a offshore dev, don't you earn a multitude of that 700$ ? Can't you hire a household woman who cleans and cook for you for nearly no money?
  • 0
    @heyheni give me some offshore job
  • 0
    I'm a design student.

    but you could try to get one here on devRant?
    or... there are 2 coworking spaces in kathmandu maybe you could visit them and maybe you get to know a foreinger who could need some help.

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