Today's debugging session ended with 75 breakpoints set. Personal best!

  • 3

    That 'Interrupting Cow' achievement must be yours, then.


  • 5
    its okay to lie...
  • 2
    @D-4got10-01 wow, that's amazing. Reminds me about the CI game of jenkins. You play it against other devs. Fix a linting issue, you get a point, add a unit test, win 10 points, break the build, it will take ten points.
  • 3
    Tell me you don't write unit tests without telling me...
  • 1
    Reminds me of the time I debugged a program across 8 different editor tabs with their code visible on 2 different screens to follow the logic. Not as impressive as your breakpoints. Let me guess, you forgot some of them later and they paused the program when you didn't expect anymore while debugging smth else?
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