I want to setup a website, I have a few questions.
What's SEO and how does it affect my website?
Where should I setup?
Also how should I set it up to prevent hackers from damaging my site?

  • 1
    Where to start!?
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    @teganburns also Cloudflare is good for ddos protection and other cool stuff
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    @Milenchy should be telling me lol
    Thanks for the info tho
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    @Trekko727 I meant to add to her comment, indirected to you lol
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    @teganburns yeah... Nope. SEO rules and applies Pareto's law effectively to the web. Google it, you'd be surprised to be using it at that moment.
    Also, you can use Lamp without even knowing what lamp means. Literally.
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    @stereohisteria What does Pareto's law have to do with link farming, article spinning, referral spam, and all the other garbage that those shady SEO agencies try to push on their customers?
  • 6
    If you’re planning on creating a really basic static site, try using GitHub pages, it’s really simple and chances are as long as your password is good, no one can touch it!
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    @Jacobgc Im planning to make a website to sell stuffs
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    Keep your stuff updated
    Use randomly generated 100+ char passwords
    Create database users with only the necessary permissions
    Disallow ssh root login
    Only accept SSH keys
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    Google literally does SEO automatically. Make sure to use clear names in your title tags and to not allow any Malware on your site.
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    @Trekko727 in that case your best bet would probably be a hosted solution.
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