

The current client I am working for has an insufferable CTO who doesn't want to use git, because of some github new privacy terms... We have tried to explain git is not github and that we can host our own git server... He is a knows it all and doesn't want to use git in 2025... although I understand there's different preferences out there... No one in the development team wants to use SVN! ... The CTO doesn't even write code.

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    could be worse than SVN. could be TFVC.

    SVN has just aged badly, TFVC was conceived to be as useless as possible, AND aged badly
  • 1
    Do you still host svn somewhere?
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    @tosensei TFVC also known as VSTS? Why call it Git when you can make an acronym of 4 letters?
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    @gitstashio you misunderstand. i do not mean microsofts own branding of git.

    i mean that which came BEFORE that.

    they really had their own version control, and it was more terrible than you can imagine. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/... the migration docu, if you're interested
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    @tosensei yea I get it now. Thank God I never had to deal with TFVC
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    We use SVN for binary releases on internal servers. The reason given to me is SVN is supposedly better for binaries than git.

    We use git for actual source control.
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