
Past hour five spam messages came in and last 24h around 20. Many of them seem unique, I'm so interested, how is this even possible. Many of them even have a phone number attached to it. All that domains, emailadresses and phone numbers. Omg. Why all these small brands instead of a big one when all sites kinda have the same formula? It's such a mystery.

  • 1
    Color me surprised. I'm also interested in learning what's different about the new batch.
  • 2
    @D-4got10-01 it's just crazy. Since all domain names, they must have some profit. Probably only one scam has to succeed to cover many domains. But they spend so much effort in all these brands. Day in, day out. Even with a bad designed picture often. Even when much is automated, the domain names and emails are real. I mailed with them and once contacted them on whatsapp. Had immediately contact. Their hosting companies are from Nigeria. Their mail systems are from an international provider with Indian roots. The hosting bills are paid with Nigerian currency, so it must be from something there.

    I've contacted the hosting companies but they don't give a fuck.
  • 1
    @retoor Ah, so you've met a prince.

    Because clearly he must've been the Nigerian Prince I've heard so much about.

  • 1
    @D-4got10-01 yeah, it made me laugh too.
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