
At work I use C# / .net but outside work I use PHP / Laravel.

I notice they are very similar.

Also .net used “razor”

Laravel uses “blade” - “razor blade”

Is there some sort of overlap between .net and laravel I’m not aware of?

  • 1
    Not that I’m aware, naming is hard, unique naming even harder.

    I imagine people independently settled on those similar names because they sounded cool.
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    is there some overlap between anything PHP and anything C#?

    NO, not at all. Because C# is sane.
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    @DLMousey ah ok that might explain it. Taylor, for those who don’t know is the creator of laravel. So if you’re saying he was a long term .net dev then that may indeed explain the similarity.

    .net is a great framework and Laravel has really brought PHP (with PHP 7) back into modern relevance.
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    @Midnigh-shcode ok big dawg. Whatever you say.
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    @DLMousey is indeed correct. He took all the best bits from the .NET world and brought them to PHP.

    I’m in the same boat. C# at work, PHP at home.
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