
Silicon Valley season 5, go Team TAB!

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    @Kodnot @irene didn't impose her beliefs on anyone, just explained why she has downvoted this rant. It's better to post a comment and give OP a little exposure while explaining why their post is not good.
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    @Kodnot downvoting is simply not enough. As @irene, it doesn't notify the poster and it doesn't reduce my blood pressure like writing a mean and angry comment does.
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    @Kodnot @irene's comment was concise and to the point without any bashing. Etiquette looks good to me.
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    @JMoodyFWD @PaulTheSaltyDev @Agred @irene I do think that commenting to explain the downvote is needed. However, I feel that @irene could've been a little less harsh, she might scare the poor quite new user away 😟

    P.s. I have nothing against flame war inducing comments. If you do not like shitstorms, just don't participate. Everyone knows spaces are superior anyways 😏
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    @irene downvotes do not appear in notifications? @dfox why is that?
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    @irene Maybe it's just that everyone likes you 🤔 did my downvote appear? This is just for testing purposes 😏
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    @irene ping! So did my downvote apear or not? Could you please downvote this comment? I wanna see for myself 🙂
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    First episode was great :)
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    R.I.P Erlich Bachman
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