As my contractor job ends and my beginning the process of looking for new work the sudden feeling of imposter syndrome starts washing over me.
"I'm not qualified for any of these positions...", I say to myself, but then I think to myself, I wonder how devRanters deal with this.

So let me ask you, devRant, how have you dealt the *Experience Required* section of most jobs when job hunting?

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    Ignore that BS. make sure you want tobwork there first. Behave as though they need to sell themself to you, and not the other way around.
    Keep asking: why should I work for you? what new tech are you working with? That review on glass door was.... they will concentrate on trying to sound good.

    it is the way to turn the tables....
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    I spoke to an Intel team leader recently and asked him about the hiring process, I asked him exactly that.

    He told me most HR departments recycle hiring templates and don't necessarily adapt them to the actual job description, that if I found a general match I should apply and polish the details at the interview.
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    These are all very juicy insights :)

    Thank you guys
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