God damnit, I'm 20 and already got a burn out due to work (fast food job) and school.

I go to school 5 days a week 8 hours a day and I work every weekend 8 hours a day only so I can afford my study better and to be able to afford my internship to Japan next year.

The worst thing is I'm in a endless loop because if I stop with school I need to work full time to pay off my school loan and if I stop my work I can't pay for part of my school and my internship.

If anyone has any tips for me what to do before this ends badly I will gladly hear them

  • 4
    Be careful friend
  • 3
    Not sure how it is in other countries but it's worth checking if your school has some student health program or counselling of some sort to help you in creating a strategy to deal with stuff. Or to just talk it out, which can be helpful too.
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