
$ cd /my_life
$ cd /every_day
$ ls
pain suffering programming

  • 9
    Why not just "ls /every_day"?
  • 7
    $ ls /my_life /everyday # not need to cd
  • 7
    @Dropkick500 Not really, every_day ist Not a subdir of my_life, both dirs are directly under root
  • 3
    How come your command line starts by $ instead of # ? Are you not root of yourself?
  • 5
    chmod 227 pain
    chmod 227 suffering
    chmod 777 programming
  • 1
    $ mkdir happiness && cd $_

    Man, it's not a default folder, you have to create it yourself. Life is no *buntu, it's god damn Slackware.
  • 3
    $ rm pain suffering
  • 1
    @Dropkick500 /every_day is not a subdir of /my_life the way op wrote it. Those two folders are in the same directory.
  • 1
    @Dropkick500 i think that was his intention as well :P
  • 1
    ls . | egrep -v "pain|suffering"
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