Wait so I'm not allowed Spotify but it's alright for a manager to stream movies?

Don't give that we're not licensed to play music pretty sure we're not a licensed cinema either.

Either it's one rule for all or none at all enjoy your productivity dip from the dev team.

  • 5
    This is one thing I DO appreciate about my job. If I can't listen to music or have a TV show or movie on in the background, I straight up can't code. Especially with Betty yacking about her dogs for 15 minutes lol
  • 2
    @Ace71425 see when I joined this was a perk and no problem for 2 years and then bam come in today it's blocked.

    Doesn't help that they moved the loudest team next to us.
  • 7
    @randomio my job tried to pull that crap once about how headsets and headphones cannot be plugged into or connected to a phone or the company computer. So I went to Amazon and bought a non-bluetooth headset that ran music from a SD card you plugged into it. They lightened up but that's how I circumvented their system.
  • 4
    First place I worked said no to headphones because they’re a distraction and that someone might need to get my attention (I guess they didn’t see the irony / obvious solution).

    After that shithole I made a point of asking about policy on this at interview stage.
  • 9
    UPDATE: We kicked up a right shitstorm CEO buckled we now have Spotify again.
  • 3
    Music should be a minimum.

    The whole office watches movies in lunchbreak here.
  • 0
    Keyword is "manager".
  • 2
    @Brolls @LordKerwin I don't understand this "unapproachable" "someone might need to get your attention" logic. Its called walking over to someone/email/IM/tapping on the shoulder.
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