Just got an internship a few days ago. The manager threw a project at me. I have to do it alone. It's a user-system (registration, login etc.) The front-end is ready. And I have to build its back-end in PHP. I started to draw the project on paper (pseudocode) and then asked a few questions about design patterns to jump into coding. They recommended me Laravel. I'm good at PHP (procedural) and have done some basic OOP. I've actually built a few projects in Python using OOP. But I've never used any framework (yeah, I know). So I started to learn Laravel and realized that it's very different than normal PHP (procedural or even normal OOP). I almost don't write any normal PHP code. This makes me confused. But I have to learn it fast and well, and finish the project to hit the deadline and get the full-time job. I'm desperately looking for any kind of help to learn Laravel more effectively! I've googled and got some recommendations. But I need more live help from devs directly.

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    The official docs (of course) and Jeffrey Way's laracasts.com
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    @illusion466 I think yeah, it's a good company. And yes. It's actually a govt project. Well, the problem isn't that I can't do it. The problem is that I've built a few user systems so far, but not in any PHP framework like Laravel. It looks like a new language. And to learn it looks different than learning a new programming language. I understand that it's a high-level thing, you don't have to deal with all those subsystems of MVC, it makes my work a lot easier, and I appreciate that. But like how do you know what you need to write to where? It feels like managing a complex system like a country or a big factory or company: you're the manager and you don't do every single operation, you just manage people to do stuff. But it's confusing. There's a little feeling that I might have hard days to figure it out. I'm actually not so afraid of failing to hit the deadline or successfully finishing the project. The other guy will do it if I fail. I just wanna learn it for my own good.
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    @HomeAlone the official docs looks complicated for beginners (just like any other manual). And how much does Way's course cost?
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    The deadline is the middle of the next month. So I have about a month to learn Laravel and finish the project.
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    @adminadmin i think 15usd per month. There are also some good series given away for free on that site
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