
I attended a data science meetup recently. There were many suits walking around the corridors because of some startup night taking place at the same time.

After some time a guy appeared infront of me, telling me he was afraid at first that this was a meetup for suits only. Until he saw all the dev and rock stickers on my notebook. He was reliefed that there was some nerd at least.

He asked what I was doing so I told him about my startup about optimization of heat generation plants jada jada. I asked him back.

He replied, "Well, I'm also part of some small startup. Among the things we develop processors and stuff. It's called Intel."

Well dude, that was nicely played. I had a lot of fun that evening.

  • 5
    There're quite few meetups in my town. I've never been there, because I'm afraid of my skill level isn't good enough and I don't have enough stickers๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 2
    sometimes you will get opportunity when networking with guys in meetup
  • 1
    @CoffeeNcode oh geez. My social skill level is 0
  • 1
    @sunfishcc just jump in there and level up. There are a lot if xp to gain :)

    And half of the attendees has almost the same social skill level. So never mind. It's not like you'll get your ass kicked or something ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • 1
    @w4tsn I decided to play dude paladin in hearthstone to improve my social skill ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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