
++ if you have used Jira and liked it / found it valuable.

- - if you used it and didn’t like it.

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    Haven’t used Bamboo.
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    Jira is a bit over engineered i my opinion
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    I am fine with Redmine
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    If you like JIRA, try Axosoft. From the makers of GitKraken. It's like JIRA but waaaaay better and less fluff.

    Can't really compete with JIRAs pricing tho.
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    Jira fills me with so much hatred. It’s like a million steps to do the most basic things, it tries so hard to sell the idea of agile as tool rather than process.

    That and every fucking manager always things they’ve got the best configuration for the damned thing.

    Best experience I had was working on github, using issues and the wiki.

    And now they have the projects and board systems I really see no reason to use anything else.
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    @Brolls thanks for your insight. I really can’t comprehend the “it’s a million steps to do the most basic things” mentality.

    Perhaps I’m lucky that I’ve never had a manager run Jira. I’ve always been the Jira admin wherever I’ve worked and I’m a developer.
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    @SSDD the whole workflow system is crack for non technical management.

    Atlassian are just super great at marketing, did you ever see their Agile YouTube videos? About the agile consultant? That shit is hilarious.

    I just want one easy place to have my tickets. That integrates with the repo, lets me reference commits, tags and users.

    With a decent pull request mechanism that actually doesn’t suck.

    That’s why GitHub is always my tool of choice 👍
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    Working at a charity we get Zenhub for free, wicked GitHub add-on that basically adds Jira style boards and superpowers issues.

    If you do a lot of work and project tracking in your GitHub repos check out Zenhub. I believe it's free for open source projects too, only private needs to pay.
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    @Brolls I hear you. I do.

    In my experience developers (I am one although I now lead teams as well) have a bit of a god complex.

    By that I mean they want to use what they want to use and everything and everyone else is wrong.

    That attitude is fine if you’re a freelancer or work at a small startup. However if you work for a megacorp then sometimes you just need to suck it up and use the tools that are provided. If you don’t like that then leave.

    I see / hear / am made aware of so many developers who dig their heels in SO much and to me they just come across as big babies.

    Ultimately you are dragging a ticket from one column to the other. Get over yourself.

    Ps. This isn’t directed at you 👌
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