On Windows machine
Me: login as admin. Cool i have admin rights now.
Me: Open's gitbash.
$ react-native run-android.
Error: cannot create some folder.
Build failed.

Ok. Maybe i should right click and select run as administrator.

$ react-native run-android
Error: cannot delete some folder
Build failed.

What? Again?

Ok one more time.

$ react-native run-android
Error: cannot create some folder.
Build failed.

F**k this shit.

Switch to ubuntu.

$ react-native run-android.
Build finished
Installing on device.

  • 1
    Story of my life ^^
  • 3
    Guessing Administrator didn't have rights to execute wherever you init the project. (yeah, its silly)
  • 0
    @theuser the project is in d drive
  • 1
    @vinitkadam the project was in remote drive haha
  • 2
    Says what? :D
    I wouldnt jump to that conclusion just like that. What if he partitioned his drive to multiple smaller chunks?

    Thats what I do myself. C for windows mandatory stuff and drivers and D for games, some small Programms etc.
  • 1
    If you are the admin, you should be able to check the logs.
  • 0
    @Tokimimo kinda bad practice to do so, btw.
    There's no redundancy in it, so it's kind of useless to do. ;)
  • 0
    Sudo ?
  • 0
    @Dropkick500 btw I do programming on windows works okay. Obvisiously not charming as Linux.

    Just have patience to configure setup.
    Patience to restart the windows
    Patience to fuck up and try again
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