
We have in our company an 8 GB Ram Intel MacBook Pro that they give to any new Mobile developers and is always returned bc the ram is not enough.

You’d have thought they understood after 3 years. But I just found out they still do it lol.

  • 4
    Maybe they think new guys don't need much RAM?

    ...or want it !to be a wasted investment?

    /* In which case they should sell it. */

    ...or they're testing the idea of 'Is 8GB truly !enough?'

    ...or they're insane, since they're doing the same thing over && over again, expecting different results?

    ...or sth else...
  • 4
    At least go that they do upgrade when asked. I worked somewhere very short because I had to work on a Mac mini server with netbeans once. I had daily irritation and it's one of the reasons I've left. I said upfront thar the device wouldn't be OK. So they did do the server model of the mac mini because of that and iirc the only difference between the mini server and normal is a dvd drive.
  • 4
    Hazing ritual?
  • 2
    Troll level: 99
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