
Got my first job on UpWork, and I think I got scammed already :(

  • 3
    What happened?
  • 12
    I started chatting with a guy, he needed a quick fix for his app. I didn't even notice that I wasn't employed yet, he just sent me a message. After some talk I solved his problem, and since then he didn't even log in. Guess it's also my fault
  • 3
    🙁 well consider this lost fees as the fees for lesson.

    A lesson about How to Deal with Clients.
  • 1
    Yeah, never offer any help on UpWork until after the agreement ($$$) is finalized.
  • 1
    Next time leave a backdoor before you negotiate
  • 1
    Don't leave backdoors. Upwork has a great system which prevents people from scamming. Simple tip: if you get paid by milestone don't start work until they activate(pay for) the milestone, if you get paid by hour, work only with clients who have payment method verified.
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