
Dear software developers, I realise, as a dev myself, the need for auto updates for security and stability, but, outside of only a few niche circumstances, are they really necessary on a fucking *daily* or even *hourly* basis? Congratulations for fixing that minor specific non-crucial bug that 99% of users have never encountered, and I'm happy you're maintaining your code so diligently, but couldn't it wait until next Sunday? By that time I'm sure you could combine the update with all the other minor fixes you'll come up with the interim.

And I wouldn't have to click my way through this shit every time I open the app

  • 4
    But you known that 99% of the People will just Click later if theres one update per week.

    An Option to just update those tiny silently in the background would be nice.
  • 2
    App in question (or at least the one that sparked this rant) is Skype. Every day for the last few days it's auto-updated, triggering a Windows UAC prompt on start up
  • 2
    @Inigo Ah. I ditched Skype some years ago.

    but i remember the pain of those 300 updates.

    I just realized they changed the theme.
  • 1
    @HackedPixels Now, Skype for computer even use Electron.

    But you know... it's Skype.
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