
So at school the teacher gave us a MONTH to write a sorting algorithm in Java. I asked the teacher if that wasn't a little too much time.
Her answer:" I want to give the weaker people in class a chance."
Okay so far so good.

The day we had to turn in our code I asked around what algorithm others had choosen and if they had any problems with it.

Classmate A: "yeah we didn't know how to program it so we copied it from the internet and I modified it heavily."
Me *raised eyebrows*: "can you show me?"
Me: "but that's exactly the same like the first Google result?!"
A:"No look there , I added this line so that it works with my code"

That lying bitch just added bucketSort(myArr, maxVal);
In the main method.

Me"How is that heavily modifying?"
A:"Also I asked the teacher and she said it was OK to copy the method from the internet"

What the flying cunt is wrong with people. So you give us a month to copy and paste from the internet.
Yeah great teaching.
You are the reason why half the class can't program shit.

Thanks for nothing. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

First rant hope you enjoyed it.

  • 6
    Lol, a month? Damn!
    Well at least you had time to invest in actual learning.
  • 5
    @JKyll Yeah without my own projects I can work on in class while waiting for the others. I would've died of boredom a long time ago.
  • 2
    You really think he asked the teacher? Would you ask if it is fine to copy?
  • 5
    Same thing happened with us, for more than a month,our only lab task was to write a program for merge sort,and quick sort ☺, that we had already done in the previous semester ☺
  • 1
    I've taken a week to do an assignment before with some parts copied (just logic, or pseudocode online transferred/fixed to my classes) but copying the entire thing and just writing a function call? Pfffft

    Don't worry they're dropping money in college to not have a job wheb (if) they graduate.
  • 3
    @hubiruchi Classmate A always asks every teacher for all kinds of special treatment no matter how absurd they are and I don't believe this time is an exception.

    But maybe you're right. I ask her next week for an explanation. If he lied I throw him under the bus.
  • 2
    that seem a bit extreme...
    Regular car is enoughπŸ‘
  • 3
    Loved the rant, welcome & keep learning!
    FYI I know people with dev jobs who don't even know how to google such things.. so you're good, don't bitch about someone taking looong when copy pasting their homework ;) not everyone is a 'genius' like me -> I wasn't listening to assistant on Java intro class & didn't know we were supposed to use libraries for certain task.. went on to create my own function that returns absolute number, ceil, floor etc..
  • 4
    ++ for “what the flying cunt”
  • 1
    That is a bit crazy. That teacher is not preparing the paying customers for reality.
  • 1
    @RantSomeWhere upload it to the server but use obfuscation and minification (use brainfuck for added effect) then just present the unobfuscated version(or obfuscated, shouldn't be too hard)

    edit: or better! pgp encrypt -i code.java and then upload it XD
  • 0
    At our school, teachers give so little time to write an essay that sometimes you just have to solve all these problems only using different methods. You can navigate to this website https://artscolumbia.org/category/... to understand the beauty of the site for school work to order. The essays are just super cool.
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