Notepad should have dark theme

  • 8
    Get atom :]
  • 6
    Don't use notepad
  • 1
    You could say "Windows should have a dark theme" - and well, the new UWP apps have one. And as the calculator in windows 10, my guess is that Microsoft will slowly update all of their apps to UWP. Until then, if you like UWP, get an UWP writing app from the store or, like @paranoidAndroid suggested, use one of the many code editors with dark theme^^

  • 5
    Notepad++ has a dark theme
  • 2
    @BambuSource got a side project to build a dark theme for one of our saas product.
    Turns out, most end users (HR managers in our case) don't care dark theme.
    No one turn background to black in Word and excel 🤦‍♂️
  • 1
    @paranoidAndroid But Atom starts slowwwly :/
  • 4
    The sun should have a dark theme
  • 2
    @sunfishcc I turn my background to dark in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Fight me.
  • 1
    @filthyranter 😂 you are a programmer...
    You won't need our app 🤖
    (Perfectly fight back)
  • 1
    @al-m like a switch that turns the sun from star to black hole with the same mass and back?
    Would have a delay of a few minutes (7?) though
  • 0
    @BambuSource boo. I hate next level humor that I don't get right away thus feeling inferior 😂😂
  • 1
    I don't wanna say "don't use notepad", because on some servers you probably don't have a choice in the matter. But, if you do: don't use notepad.
  • 1
    Honestly I'm not even ashamed to say that I only recently found out that people actually use notepad for code...
    like. I use it as a notepad 😂
  • 0
    I use notepad at high school for HTML... I can't install a different program because my account isnt admin
  • 2
    And we should have (girl/boy)friend. See, not everything is perfect.
  • 1
    @YourLocalNerd Install Notepad++ as portable on a USB (check save data to application folder instead of %APPDATA% in setup, that's the option for it)
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