
Client: I want to change the wording on the page. If I inspect element I find the word I want to change, but it won’t let me change it. How can I change it please? I am very disappointed this is not working. What is the point in you developing all this if I cannot save changes to my website. Please fix this ASAP.

MFW they think updating a website is just as simple as using element inspector in chrome because they have seen me use it to quickly mock up some css changes.

  • 6
    It’s baffling that they can find and utilise developer tools yet fail to understand the simplest aspects of website or browsers in general. 🤯
  • 3
    Browsers should explain what's exactly going on the first time a user tries the inspect element.

    This will greatly reduce the facepalm moments for the web developers.
  • 4
    "hello dev, could you make me a website that looks very pretty and awesome? Also could you make it so when it's done I can change whatever I want with it easily without having to code? Thanks"
  • 3
    @waruj1m yeah was just going to say the same thing!
  • 0
    @ModernShoe THIS is literally the bane of my life.
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