
I would batter this nigga if I could

My database migrations are failing after setting a 3 character max length on an integer field with default value 200. I attempt to investigate why and after numerous back and forth, this dude reveals 200 is in fact greater than 998

  • 2
    Funny. Parson my ignorance, but max len on int??
  • 2
    Are you sure you are not chatting with ChatGPT?
  • 1
    I once had some argue that using the C code

    int x = 1;

    Was not in fact setting the value to 1 but the ASCII value of the 1 character, and he didn't know how to set x to the value of 1.
  • 1
    @cafecortado yes, that is the WhatsApp embedded LLM (meta ai). It comes in handy cuz I don't have to install another app or open the chatgpt website. But as evidenced here, it seems dumber than the chatgpt model

    @scriptcoded I think the actual reason behind its failure is that integer argument is max value, not max characters as in string. So, since 200 >3, it gets truncated/breaks the operation
  • 3
    @Nmeri17 so you're complaining that a glorified autocomplete that is optimised not to answer your questions, but to collect your data; that is designed to be completely multi-purpose, with a target group consisting of "average people", spouts bullshit about very very very niche programming specifics?
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