
Today, carrying my dinner to a table in our universities cafeteria, I passed by the table of a professor. He had a book on his table titled "Hacking Handbook". It contains chapters on httrack, ping, port scans and the like (I checked that on Amazon).

The professor drank a coffee, then got up to get some food. His table was directly next to the wall separating the food corner from the tables. He stayed away from his computer for two or three minutes. Both table and computer where totally out of his field of vision during that time. His computer was not locked and Outlook was open.

The professor teaches IT security.

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    I guess he feels pretty safe in the cafeteria. Let's give him benefit of the doubt and say that the routine has doomed him and he's not like that normally.
    But that handbook. He's new to this? It doesn't seem like something he would need to read after reaching professor title.
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    Further research? Idk I mean some books reach things other don't?

    My IT professor this semester has dozens of books in his office. 🤷
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    Also! Just thought about this: What if it's a future textbook or a candidate for a future textbook that he's reading and analyzing to see if it's a good or bad textbook?
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    @jhh2450 If it would be it then he would automatically become oone of the better teachers I know about. Because that means he's still learning and trying to improve either himself or his lectures. Most of the teachers I know of uses really old technology and lecture using old notes. Only this year I had C# lectures. Slides were from early 2000s, 2003 if I recall correctly.
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    @Agred What the fuck.

    My CS professor is on his first full year of teaching.
    My IT professor graduated in 2012.

    One of the IT professors is fixing to retire, so that's a new professor to replace him. And the CS department was hiring a new professor.

    Moral of this comment: based on my experience, my University is up to date and young.
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